There’s only one goal on your mind when you’re considering seeding or sodding your lawn: thick, healthy grass! Both seeding and sodding can transform your dirt lot into a green oasis. Read on to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each option so you can get the lawn you want on budget and on time!
Seeding a lawn succeeds in growing grass in the same way that anything else is grown, with seeds, soil, water, and sunlight. Here are some advantages: seeding is the cheaper of the two options when considering upfront cost, there is a much larger selection of grass species to choose from, and the grass gets to grow in the same environment it will be living in. On the other hand, not seeding at the right time of year (September is best) can be a problem, seeds can take up to 3 weeks to germinate, during which time they can be blown and/or washed away, and weeds can be troublesome until your lawn is completely grown in.
Sodding a lawn is a process where the grass is grown elsewhere and then installed at your home, where it continues to live. Some advantages to sodding are that the lawn is already grown for you and ready to use within 4 weeks (much faster than seeding), there is a fast reduction in mud, dust, and erosion in your yard, and weeds are not typically much of a problem. Some disadvantages include the higher upfront cost, a more limited choice in grass species, and a larger amount of upfront water usage.
Ready to seed or sod your way to a beautiful, green lawn? Contact Greenworks EcoScapes for all of your lawn service needs in Athens and the surrounding area.